Weekly African Footprint: June 29, 2012

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Quick summary table displaying the performance of all the African Stock Exchanges and African currencies on a WTD and YTD basis. Summaries of the keys markets and relevant economic and corporate news.

Do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.


•  Mascom invests in mobile tower
•  BoB interest expense falls to 10-year lowt
•  Trade deficit narrows on lower imports


•  Egypt to see USD 200bn in foreign investment: Morsi spokesman
•  IMF says stands ready to support Egypt
•  Egyptian automobile sales edge up 4% in May
•  Egypt to offer EGP 3.5bn in bonds
•  Egypt end-May money supply up 7.4% year-on-year


•  TICO secures over USD 300m to boost power supply
•  Commercial Banks begin to increase lending rates
•  Ghana economy grows 8.7% in first quarter
•  Ghana annual PPI leaps to 18.01% in May
•  IFC to invest USD 300m in Ghana in 2012
•  Ghana gov’t releases GHS 1b to fund operations of statutory bodies in 2012 fiscal year
•  US-Ghana bilateral trade slips to USD 556m first four months of 2012 compared to 2011 period
•  Ghana records 15.5% increase in international tourist arrivals


•  Kenya Airways picks Afreximbank for financing
•  CMA clears two banks to raise additional capital at the NSE
•  KenGen receives upgraded Kindaruma dam
•  KenolKobil wins tender to supply 160,000T of Murban
•  Workers file suit to block KenolKobil takeover
•  Kenya Airways unveils shareholding structure
•  Uchumi Estimates Full-Year Sales At KES 16bn
•  Total signs Kenya oil exploration contract
•  Tullow halts drilling of 1st Kenya well, plans 2nd
•  Turkana to keep 20% of oil cash, reveals official


•  Malawi passes budget, paving way for donor funds


•  Mauritius trade deficit widens 58% yr/yr in April
•  Mauritius 2012 unemployment forecast a tad higher at 8%
•  Moody's raises Mauritius bond rating to Baa1
•  Mauritius economic growth slows sharply in Q1
•  Mauritius businesses confidence nudges up in Q2
•  Yield on Mauritius 10-yr bond drops to 7.94%


•  Danone pays USD 685m to lead main Moroccan dairy


•  Adetu, new CEO for Guinness Nigeria Plc
•  FG Targets 600,000MT Increase on Tubers, Cereals
•  LADOL projects NGN 80bn investment in oil, gas business
•  Ecobank Nigeria launches mobile money
•  NCC, Telcos Detente on New KPIs
•  Hyperia, Yahsat Rollout Satellite Broadband Service
•  Shell plans USD 3.2bn gas plant in Imo
•  Access Bank’s ratings soar
•  Nigeria president replaces execs of state oil NNPC
•  Crusader posts NGN 286.5m loss in 2011 financial year
•  Ashakacem declares NGN 21bn turnover
•  R.T. Briscoe shareholders approve bonus, 10k dividend for 2011
•  India Offers USD 100m to Improve Nigeria's Power Supply
•  Apex bank issues securities lending guidelines
•  Nigeria's governors back sovereign wealth fund
•  Nigeria Loses 70% of US Crude Export Market
•  Nigerian Content Key to Oil Bid Rounds, Licences
•  NAICOM yet to approve accounts of 20 insurance firms
•  Ondo to generate own power with gas resources
•  Nigeria plans to raise NGN 134.5bn in T-bills
•  Nigeria sells NGN 132.7bn in bonds, yields rise
•  CBN Disburses NGN 145bn Power, Airline Fund
•  Fed Govt earned NGN 899bn in April, says CBN


•  Tanzania trade deficit doubles due to oil demand
•  Tanzania: Precision Air Extends Wings to Zambia, DRC
•  Tanzania to Option Uranium Properties to Karoo Exploration
•  Vodacom Introduces Internet Offer
•  Japan`s budgetary grants to Tanzania reach TZS 1.3tn
•  Tazara`s 20% capacity enough to serve entire southern Africa


•  Zambia's Mopani plans USD 1.5bn copper project
•  Ndola Lime to be listed on LuSE
•  Denison ready to start uranium mine
•  Zambia launches 2nd securities exchange firm
•  IDC injects USD 2bn in mining
•  Govt embarks on tax reforms
•  Zambia's June CPI quickens slightly to 6.7% -CSO •  BoZ wants smooth changeover in rebasing project - Mulomba


•  CAPS Holdings set to inject USD 10m
•  New mining fees to cripple Zimasco
•  NetOne still to secure partner
•  ABCH gets BSE waiver
•  BNC shareholders face 25% dilution
•  BancABC to get USD 15m boost
•  Zimre to offload non-performing operations
•  Anjin remits USD 30m
•  No investors for Interfin
•  GB dispose offices to raise working capital
•  ZHL gross premium climbs
•  Govt inconsistent on Essar deal
•  Zimplats open to ZSE listing
•  TA Holdings revenue up
•  Biti to present economic review
•  Mining earnings top USD 800m
•  Lack of funding stalls MTP
•  Tobacco revenue reaches USD 460m •  ZSE sheds close to USD 1bn

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